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The Evan Project, Diaper Bank receives grant award from Dakota Hospital Foundation
The Evan Project, Diaper Bank was recently awarded a $5,500 grant from Dakota Hospital Foundation (DHF). The grant will fund a onetime (diaper) purchase, to meet the needs of families in Clay County. “We're so grateful to the Dakota...
Honoring women’s health with the USD women’s basketball team
February 2020. The University of South Dakota women's basketball team, Dakota Hospital Foundation and Sanford Vermillion celebrated together honoring women's health with a meal, education and fellowship with breast cancer survivors and their families. The senior pink jerseys were...
2023 Dakota Hospital Foundation & Sanford Vermillion Medical Center Scholarships Awarded
The Dakota Hospital Foundation & Sanford Vermillion are proud to present scholarships to the following recipients. Congratulations and best wishes!
The University Of South Dakota Department Of Dental Hygiene receives grant award from Dakota Hospital Foundation
The USD Department of Dental Hygiene was recently awarded a $2,500 grant from Dakota Hospital Foundation (DHF). The grant request was for funding for athletic mouth guards to protect student athletes. The value of wearing mouth guards, especially for...